Not the best ice/snow scenery when I was there this time, but I rarely am driving through when the fog is this thick. It made it a bit more interesting to drive over it when I was done hanging out with my camera. Download: Bridge_to_Nowhere_Asgard_Photography_IMG_9901.jpg Camera Settings Camera: Canon EOS 80D F-stop: f/10 Exposure: 1/500 […]
Photos taken while pulling off to the side of the road. These are the ones that annoy my son the most, he’s more about getting to where we’re driving.
Ice Curtain

The shore of Lake Superior in Marquette is probably one of the most often visited spots for me with my camera… this was taken between the city and the Presque Isle park, where there are piles and piles of rocks intended to keep the forces of the waves at bay. Download: Ice_Curtain_Asgard_Photography_IMG_0068.jpg Camera Settings Camera: […]
Ghost Rocks

My favorite use of long exposure isn’t waterfalls, but waves on a regular beach. I love what it does for waves washing over rocks or logs, etc. The smokey effect is pretty awesome. The trick is that it makes a huge difference exactly when the shot is taken. It’s probably a good situation to use […]
Beach Cones

I hadn’t really found anything I was thrilled about shooting when I was there, but back at the computer I found this one strangely cheerful to look at, so kept it in the mix. I love the blue, and for some reason the “dot” shapes of the cones make it more interesting than it otherwise […]
Lake Michigan Mood

One of my favorite effects is something you get long before Photoshop touches the image. Depending on the light, you can hold the camera at different heights to create all kinds of perspective shifts. In this case, I found that by holding the camera near the ground it let some otherwise fairly small rocks look […]
The Big Mack

I’ve taken a lot of shots of the bridge connecting the two parts of Michigan, but always while taking a stop from travelling. As a result, I’ve not yet had the ideal weather for a shot that I’m truly happy with. This particular time I’d stopped, I’d decided I wanted to try to find something […]
Golden Hour Beach

I wasn’t really happy with the clouds and sky in this shot, but I’d been trying to capture more how the light reacted with the grass and moss along the tree-line. I’m fairly satisfied with the overall shot here, though it still didn’t fully capture the golden “feeling” of being there in that moment. Sunsets […]
Toward the Docks

I often have mixed feelings about taking photos of the big ore boats often seen on Lake Superior. It’s not uncommon to see a bunch of people taking photos when the boats are coming into harbor or leaving. For myself, I don’t find the boats themselves that interesting to look at in detail. But with […]
Morning Road

Download: Morning_Road_Asgard_Photography_IMG_6998.jpg Another shot taken on a way-too-early morning after having dropped my son off at school. I kept seeing a lot of fog along a few stretches of road so started taking my camera with to try to capture it. I never did catch it at it’s strongest, but I really liked this shot. Camera […]