Sometimes I end up with different versions of a photo that I can’t choose between for which I think is best. This is a perfect example of one of those. I typically like photos that are landscape (horizontal) versus portrait (vertical). However, I feel there are strengths and weaknesses for each of these. Since I […]
Various kinds of outlines or shadows that make for something interesting as part of or the whole photo…
Shared Sunset

I’m always happy when I can combine silhouettes with sunsets. This was yet another shot taken at Presque Isle in Marquette, on a trip back home. I think another reason I’m drawn to it (besides having grown up visiting this spot) is that I find silhouettes of couples enjoying the sunset to be a romantic […]
Evening Pine Halo

Just more of my fascination with silhouettes. Most people don’t take a photo of the sunset and then block the sun, lol. I liked the patterns of light and dark with this one. Download: Evening_Pine_Halo_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7351.jpg Camera Settings Camera: Canon EOS 80D F-stop: f/10 Exposure: 1/200 seconds ISO: 250 Focal Length: 17mm
Sunset Pine

I really liked the texture of the shadowed pine needles. Overall I didn’t feel it was a very strong image, but the texture won me over for posting it anyway. Download: Sunset_Pine_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7366.jpg Camera Settings Camera: Canon EOS 80D F-stop: f/10 Exposure: 1/200 seconds ISO: 125 Focal Length: 17mm
Evening Adventure

DOWNLOAD: Evening_Adventure_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7812.jpg The Black Rocks area of Presque Isle (in Marquette, Michigan) is great for sunsets most days, but especially when the waves have left pools of water up in the rocks, to reflect the sun and sky. When I’m there, I probably take about a hundred shots for every one that I end up liking, […]
Sunset Reader

DOWNLOAD: Sunset_Reader_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7778.jpg I’m still not super comfortable about “street photography”, though I forced myself to ask this woman if I could take a few photos, when I saw her sitting and reading on the rocks while I was there to try to capture the sunset. I was really happy with the results, though I have no […]
Black Rocks Journey

I almost didn’t end up using this one… I didn’t get either the clouds/sunset I wanted, or the reflection setup I’d hoped for, but what I like about it is the arc of the rock with a little bit of some people visible toward the end. The area to the lower left is just a […]
Sunset March

I’ve always preferred including people in silhouette if I’m taking photos in public that have people in them. My inner introvert is a little to strong and keeps me from getting up in people’s business. But having people in landscape photos really can enhance them greatly. I think this one is a perfect example – […]
Home For The Night

The part of the Island I wanted to get to was chained off to vehicle traffic, and I didn’t feel like walking the mile or so in that evening, so I opted for a less scenic stretch of shoreline.