Taken at Bond Falls in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. One of the better large water fall spots you can stop at – very accessible in the summer, and not too hard to get to in the winter. A lot of great scenes to find here. I was torn on this particular image… I get these kinds […]
One of the great things about Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is the number of waterfalls you can find. It’s a great place for outdoor photographers to build their chops. Once you get below the bridge, it’s hard to find any. Even into Ohio, I find I have to drive a few hours South or East to find any. Waterfalls are probably my third favorite thing to photograph, after Lake Superior shoreline and sunsets.
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Winding Down

The older I get, the harder it is to get to some of these spots… there’d been some rain, so the ground was covered with really wet leaves and I almost broke a few things getting down and then back up again from this spot at the Tinker Creek waterfall. It was also difficult to […]
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Calming Fall

Bond Falls is an impressive sight. It always strikes me, looking at a picture like this, how the long exposure creates a feeling of smooth and calm, but when you’re actually THERE at the waterfall, the raw power is overwhelming. There’s something to be said for a faster exposure in capturing the energy in the […]
Alone Time

The local government decided to rope off access to one of the better photography destinations in the area for some reason. I decided it wasn’t worth risking dealing with police, so just took some photos from the overlook. It was very disappointing after driving several hours to get there. Not everyone worried about the signage […]
Front Row Seat

Bond Falls is probably the biggest waterfall in Upper Michigan, or at least the biggest one that is pretty easy to get to (depending on what time of year you go.) The main falls are pretty spectacular, but you can hike up along the side and there are many smaller falls as well. A great […]
Water Stairs

Stairs to Atlantis maybe? This photo is a good example of where knowing how to make a composite is helpful… I couldn’t get the shot from under the trees with the smooth water (needing a longer exposure time) without the white of the waterfalls behind the trees (which are in the open) blowing out completely […]
Dry for Now

I didn’t actually wade out into the water for this shot, though I could have with some boots, it wasn’t too deep. I’ve found that with waterfall shots, my secondary tripod has been invaluable… it holds the camera about 6 inches off the ground and is great when you want a lower perspective. In this […]
Wagner Falls Thawing

DOWNLOAD: Wagner_Falls_Thawing_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7534.jpg One of the many great things about the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is the number of waterfalls you can get to without too much trouble. This photo was taken at Wagner Falls in Munising, just off the main road, with only a few hundred feet walk from the parking area. I’ve always found it […]
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Mini Falls

One of the things I’m trying to get better at is playing around with “leading lines” in an image… sometimes you can achieve it with some creative cropping. In this case, I’d been playing around with a different tripod that brings the camera closer to the ground, but also with just trying to get closer […]