Full Moon

There’s nothing really artistic about this shot, but it’s the first time I’ve had a zoom lens big enough to actually get a decently close up image of the moon. And given all the years since childhood that I’ve dreamed of going there, being able to personally make this image of a place I’ve dreamed about was very fulfilling. Just about worth the cost of the lens alone! I don’t have a ton of experience with night time shooting, so I’m hoping to learn a bit more and get better shots, but I wanted to share this one since it was essentially my “first”. (You can tell it was an emotional thing for me since I’m not even making dirty jokes about a mooning anything.)

Download: Full_Moon-Asgard_Photography_IMG_4275.jpg

Camera Settings

F-stop: f/22
Exposure: 1/8 seconds
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 600mm
