Goose in Charge

My first time to the Matthaei Botanical Gardens I think I went too early in the year – I’d expected more blooming things and there wasn’t really much. (I’d also been looking for a fairy display they supposedly had, but could not find any sign of it.) I still had fun exploring the trails, and while I’m not usually a fan of photographing geese (they are too common and too aggressive for my taste) I enjoyed the chance to get this shot, along with an alternative version of it. Along the trail, there was a small structure built next to a river, that had moss and plants on it’s roof. Some geese apparently found it a perfect place to put a nest, so this proud parent was being very protective and warning us all away as anyone would walk past. Normally, to get a lower perspective like this you’d have to crawl up to them, but given how ornery geese are, I don’t think I’d want to lose the ability to scoot away quickly. 

Download: Goose_in_Charge-Asgard_Photography-IMG_1909.jpg
Download: Goose_in_ChargeB-Asgard_Photography-IMG_1910.jpg

Camera Settings

F-stop: f/20
Exposure: 1/200 seconds
ISO: 500
Focal Length: 55mm

