Sometimes I get a composition by pure accident that I end up liking. In this case, I’d been walking through the cemetery after a lot of hiking through the woodsy trails nearby and was tired so hadn’t put much thought into it. But I ended up really liking the way everything in the shot moves the eyes. Even the lighting and slight bit of snow lend something to this, I think. I’m not familiar with the particular religious thing that has someone putting ribbon around the praying hands, but I’m guessing there’s some context there as well.
My shyness about doing “street photography” where people are in the photos leads me to enjoy shooting statues like this instead. lol
Download: Heavy_Heart-Asgard_Photography_IMG_6095.jpg
Camera Settings
F-stop: f/11
Exposure: 1/400 seconds
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 250 mm