Stormy Paradise

If you drive anything that can handle an unpredictably rough road, you can visit one of the U.P. worst kept secrets, what I’ve always heard called “Paradise Beach”. On my way from Munising to Marquette, the weather was getting stormy but the sun kept peeking through, so I decided to brave the dirt road to see what I could find with my camera. While there was some anxiety at a few spots where I wasn’t sure I would get back out, I was glad to have made the effort. I had to use my little plastic shroud for most of the shots, because of the starting rain. If I wasn’t worried about the drive back, I would have stayed longer and tried some long exposure shots as well… but I’ll have to plan on that for the next time. 

The combination of bright light from the sun poking through the clouds and the dark rain clouds are a fantastic combination that I’ve not managed to catch previously when I’ve had my camera with me. And the rainbow was the perfect touch! (Though you know you’re too into your photography when you find yourself wanting to tell things like rainbows to move over just a little bit so you can get the shot you’re imagining.)

Download: Stormy_Paradise-Asgard_Photography_IMG_3188.jpg

Camera Settings

F-stop: f/14
Exposure: 1/100 seconds
ISO: 160
Focal Length: 55 mm

