Alone Time

The local government decided to rope off access to one of the better photography destinations in the area for some reason. I decided it wasn’t worth risking dealing with police, so just took some photos from the overlook. It was very disappointing after driving several hours to get there. Not everyone worried about the signage […]

Down to the River

Sadly, the stairs don’t really lead anywhere anymore… but it’s hard to pass up stone stairs in the woods for a photo-op. 🙂 This was taken at Farnsworth Metropark out West of Toledo. I’d been hoping to get some sunset photos, but had the wrong time of year for the right angle. Download: Down_to_the_River_Asgard_Photography_IMG_9460.jpg Camera […]

Summer Colors

The problem with finding drama to photograph in nature is that it always ends up being on days where it’s rough being there…. this day was incredibly hot. I don’t think I lasted more than 30 minutes on the trails.  Download: Summer_Colors_Asgard_Photography_IMG_9477.jpg Camera Settings Camera: Canon EOS 80D F-stop: f/10 Exposure: 1/200 seconds ISO: 100 […]

Not Quite Immortal

When editing this, I realized that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a “new” looking statue in a garden. They all look like something out of a horror movie, or maybe some British scifi tv show. I’m not a fan of horror, but something about the aging garden statues made of stone really captures my […]

Vines and Trees

I’d gone for shots along the beach, but took this on my way back to the car. (Honestly, I’ve not had much luck on the Lake Erie shoreline… it’s too baren or dead looking most times I’ve been there.) But we didn’t have vines like this back up north when I was growing up, playing […]

Dry for Now

I didn’t actually wade out into the water for this shot, though I could have with some boots, it wasn’t too deep. I’ve found that with waterfall shots, my secondary tripod has been invaluable… it holds the camera about 6 inches off the ground and is great when you want a lower perspective. In this […]

Hidden Fall

Sometimes I end up with different versions of a photo that I can’t choose between for which I think is best. This is a perfect example of one of those. I typically like photos that are landscape (horizontal) versus portrait (vertical). However, I feel there are strengths and weaknesses for each of these. Since I […]