Another photo that wasn’t overall super impressive for it’s own sake, but I really liked the one bit of ice that looked like a nuclear explosion. 🙂 Shooting ice and sunshine is always fun, but difficult to get right when you don’t pay attention to pesky things like white balance. But it often creates opportunity […]
Rainbow Bridge

Download:Â Rainbow_Bridge_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7768.jpg I wasn’t going to post this one at first, as it was almost kind of an accident, I hadn’t framed up the shot I was going for. But, through accident I got my favorite lens flare that I’ve shot. It wasn’t so much as a combination of camera settings as having “just the right” […]
Black Rocks Reflections

Download: Black_Rocks_Reflections_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7796.jpg The bigger puddles are good for reflecting the sky and clouds, but the smaller ones can create more interesting lines and shapes… with a shot like this I usually end up taking at least ten from different angles trying to figure out what I like best. Camera Settings Camera: Canon EOS 80D F-stop: f/13 […]
Stone and Mirror

Download: Stone_and_Mirror_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7759.jpg One of my favorite spots for sunsets, Black Rocks at Presque Isle in Marquette (Upper Michigan). Especially when the waves of Lake Superior have left huge puddles up in the rocks along the lakeshore that make for great mirrors… twice the clouds and light for the same price. 🙂 The big risk, though, is […]
Evening Adventure

DOWNLOAD:Â Evening_Adventure_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7812.jpg The Black Rocks area of Presque Isle (in Marquette, Michigan) is great for sunsets most days, but especially when the waves have left pools of water up in the rocks, to reflect the sun and sky. When I’m there, I probably take about a hundred shots for every one that I end up liking, […]
Black Rocks Journey

I almost didn’t end up using this one… I didn’t get either the clouds/sunset I wanted, or the reflection setup I’d hoped for, but what I like about it is the arc of the rock with a little bit of some people visible toward the end. The area to the lower left is just a […]
Bipolar Swan

I’ve posted a few photos like this, and to be honest it’s not my favorite – either the bird or the shot. It feels too empty to me. But, the reflection thing catches my attention when I’m wandering by the water and see them, especially when the water is calm. I think maybe part of […]
Room With a View

The Thai Pavilion and Garden at Olbrich Botanical Garden in Madison, Wisconin, is worth the hike (even on the extremely hot day I visited and got this picture – I’m pretty sure I left a puddle of sweat about as deep as the pool in the photo.)