Ghost Rocks

My favorite use of long exposure isn’t waterfalls, but waves on a regular beach. I love what it does for waves washing over rocks or logs, etc. The smokey effect is pretty awesome. The trick is that it makes a huge difference exactly when the shot is taken. It’s probably a good situation to use […]

Hanging On

I’ve always liked shooting exposed roots, especially when they are clinging to rock. This was along the cliff edge of Presque Isle on Lake Superior… to my eye it looks like the tree has been sliding toward the water as the cliff erodes, but the roots are growing back to try to hang on. Who […]

Future Sand

Download: Future_Sand_Asgard_Photography_IMG_8013.jpg I had to wade through about a foot of water to get to this location… there’s a rest stop off the highway that has a nice shoreline stretch to wander, but then there’s a small river letting out into the lake that you have to cross to get over to this little cove. In […]

Rocky Sunset

This was taken on an evening when the weather wasn’t cooperating (anyone who goes out to photograph landscapes knows how frustrating the weather can be in that regard.) On this trip the sky had been annoyingly free of clouds during sunset time, except for this one night, when for whatever reason they’d roped off the […]