One of my favorite effects is something you get long before Photoshop touches the image. Depending on the light, you can hold the camera at different heights to create all kinds of perspective shifts. In this case, I found that by holding the camera near the ground it let some otherwise fairly small rocks look […]
Stormy Flowers
One of my personal rules of photography is that I try very hard to never edit a photo beyond what a realistic view of the actual scene would be. Some pictures need more post-editing than others, but I’ve never been a fan of blowing out the saturation, or other common photoshop habits people have. I […]
Change is Coming
Download: Change_is_Coming_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7435.jpg If a rainbow symbolizes a promise of something positive, I’m not sure what the clouds behind it are saying… maybe “psych”? That bank of clouds was actually moving toward shore at a pretty decent clip… I ended up not staying long past this shot, because I had to walk about two miles back to […]
Snowy Beach
I seem to end up with my favorite photos either on my way into Marquette or on my way out. I tend to stop often (which my youngest isn’t a fan of when he’s with me) so I can wander. It’s a great way to stretch the legs after the long drive up, though a […]
Looking for Lunch
Stopped to stretch my legs and point and shoot on my way out of Marquette… I thought it was interesting that with the waves picking up (they were getting bigger while you watched) the seagulls were looking for lunch. I’m guessing the waves kick up more food options? This was the last photo I took […]
Winter is Coming
This picture is the result of the advice often given to new photographers about always bringing your camera with you everywhere you go. I was driving home from somewhere and got to see this kind of freak storm roll in over Saline. It lasted about 30 minutes, and I don’t think I’ve seen one like […]
Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object
I’ve long been fascinated by the waves of Lake Superior as they beat endlessly against the big lake’s rocky shores. While chasing the stormy weather north of Christmas on my way from Munising to Marquette recently, I was able to get some shots I really loved. There’s so much different color in a lot of […]
Stormy Paradise
If you drive anything that can handle an unpredictably rough road, you can visit one of the U.P. worst kept secrets, what I’ve always heard called “Paradise Beach”. On my way from Munising to Marquette, the weather was getting stormy but the sun kept peeking through, so I decided to brave the dirt road to […]
The Rain Cave
A while back I decided to buy a rain jacket for my camera off of Amazon. (Always a risk when you don’t know the product, but it seemed like a good idea.) It’s got a plastic rod that clicks into the flash slot on top of the camera, with a curve around the lens, and […]