Ice Curtain

The shore of Lake Superior in Marquette is probably one of the most often visited spots for me with my camera… this was taken between the city and the Presque Isle park, where there are piles and piles of rocks intended to keep the forces of the waves at bay.  Download: Ice_Curtain_Asgard_Photography_IMG_0068.jpg Camera Settings Camera: […]

Winter Waving

What looks colder than water splashing around ice and snow? Lake Superior can be a frigid thing. I’ve always been drawn to the opposite of the “spaghetti” style of shooting water (used often on waterfalls)… opposite in that by using a faster shutter speed, the water gets broken into particles and creates all kinds of […]

Nuclear Ice

Another photo that wasn’t overall super impressive for it’s own sake, but I really liked the one bit of ice that looked like a nuclear explosion. 🙂  Shooting ice and sunshine is always fun, but difficult to get right when you don’t pay attention to pesky things like white balance. But it often creates opportunity […]

Rounded Corners

Download: Rounded_Corners_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7451.jpg Thanks to being able to stand on the edge of a small cliff, this shot feels to me like it was taken from up in the air… this was on the tip of Black Rocks at Presque Isle in Marquette, looking South toward the main part of the park across a little inlet where […]

Change is Coming

Download: Change_is_Coming_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7435.jpg If a rainbow symbolizes a promise of something positive, I’m not sure what the clouds behind it are saying… maybe “psych”? That bank of clouds was actually moving toward shore at a pretty decent clip… I ended up not staying long past this shot, because I had to walk about two miles back to […]

Rooted in Winter

Download: Rooted_in_Winter_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7424.jpg I’ve photographed these roots a few times, though I don’t think I’ve had a shot I’ve posted here before… I was tempted to add a bunch of clouds to the sky in this one… but resisted the urge.  This photo is a good example of when I like to use a lower camera angle, […]