Sunset Reader

DOWNLOAD: Sunset_Reader_Asgard_Photography_IMG_7778.jpg I’m still not super comfortable about “street photography”, though I forced myself to ask this woman if I could take a few photos, when I saw her sitting and reading on the rocks while I was there to try to capture the sunset. I was really happy with the results, though I have no […]

Time to Go

I’m not sure what the artist was looking to capture with this, but the girl looks terrified to me. And mom looks ticked off. Maybe she was out playing too late? I’ll have to look for a description next time I’m there, maybe there’s a label somewhere.  Most statues I’ve photographed have been in cemeteries, […]

Watching and Waiting

I’d taken my new toy (Tamron 150-600mm F/5-6.3 lens) to the local botanical garden, hoping for some birds or other wildlife… but apparently the mild winter weather was still too much for them and it was pretty quite. I ended up roaming around a few corners I hadn’t explored before, and found a neat statue […]

Not Quite Lost

“Street” photography makes me uncomfortable because I don’t like to impose on people or invade their space. So when I do take pictures with people in them, I tend to be sneaky about it. (Which is today’s day and age is probably a recipe for disaster.) I did actually make some business cards so that […]