Swamp Roots

What I like most about this one is the branches (dead trees) in the water. It almost looks like there’s no ground, and you can see roots for the trees in the background. I get lost in looking at trees sometimes, especially when there’s patterns like this. Download: Swamp-Roots_Asgard_Photography_IMG_5987-scaled.jpg Camera Settings F-stop: f/16 Exposure: 1/200 […]

Wooden Web

While on a visit to my home town I made a stop at Deer Lake where I’d spent many hours of my childhood fishing and exploring. On this occasion I spent about 15 minutes there thanks to the mosquito convention that was apparently in town. What caught my eye here was the flowers, but the […]

Pining For The Sky

It’s been a challenge finding new outdoors to be in while living in Toledo… especially outdoors that lends itself to landscape photography. But, that’s always the best challenge for photography in any case… finding pictures where you don’t think there are any. One of the parks I’ve wandered through is Oak Openings, which is a […]

Purple Carpet

Spring is a bad time of year for crawling on your belly to get shots… unless you really like ticks. I don’t think I got any today, though I was sure the whole time I was taking this I would bring home a new friend. Never let it be said that nature and landscape photographers […]

Green Shadows

I really like sunset shooting because of the contrast you can get with shadows. Though, on this one I spent way too much time fiddling with the coloring, especially the sky, to try to get it how I liked. Shooting in raw mode really helps with options when you’re back at your computer! Download: Green_Shadows-Asgard_Photography_IMG_0943.jpg […]

Into Darkness

As awesome as trails through woods are, there’s just something about trails through darkened woods after sunset that make you think twice before going in. Most often when I’ve visited Wildwood Park it’s been overflowing with people (it’s a popular “nature” spot for Toledo and the surrounding area) but it helps if you go during […]

Light in the Woods 2

There’s a previously posted version of this (more closely focused on the downed tree) but this one also has the sun itself and more of the surrounding trees. I’ve included an alternate of this alternate shot too, as I couldn’t decided which I liked better. You can  download either below, or click the thumbnail to […]